The sexual excitement. Orgasm. Sexual desire

Physiologically, any person passes through these stages of the cycle of sexual, which is thus constructed: sexual desire, sexual arousal, and as a consequence, the orgasm and the resolution phase.

For the regulation of the functions of the genital mutilation of man's nature, were created by bodies such as the cerebral cortex, as well subcortical education, and of some centres of the spinal cord. All of the centers that regulate the sexual function are closely linked, and, of course, are in a clear interaction, just obey, and form a single whole system.

The sexual desire, arousal, and as a consequence the orgasm


Sexual desire, or libido depends directly on the biologically correct functioning of the glands of internal secretion, it the testes in men and the ovaries in women, the adrenal glands the representatives of both sexes, and also the result of the exchange of substances. And, of course, the sexual desire, excitement and therefore the orgasm can not be achieved without the participation and the normal functioning of the brain.

An adult and a healthy person, the degree of excitability genital centres, and as well as the power of sexual attraction taken to determine the level of hormones.

There is a one hundred per cent dependence on the sexual desire of the anthropological differences, for example, brunettes and dark skin have more of a strong sexual attraction, than the blonde. Another example is people are not the high growth of the sexual libido may be stronger than the high. Women asthenic to the physical, to reach orgasm will require a greater number of lask and other efforts, that chubby. The people of the countries of the south, with warmer weather in libido brighter and stronger. The temperament of the south really is more actively developed, than the northerners.

Of course, excitability, sexual of men and women are radically different. More sexual arousal in women, less than men. Male desire, usually appears even before direct contact, during the sexual arousal very is growing rapidly, and erection occurs very quickly, and after the resolution of sexual excitement and, of course, the erection finished completely.

In addition to hormones and different erotic lask, stimulate sexual function can and some of the key stimuli.

This type of sexual stimuli is purely individual, for each individual, and conditioned, in person, representation about sex, your sexual experience, and his sexy ideal.

Influence sexual arousal is capable of music in the first place, exerting a stimulating effect on the deep structure of the brain, and also she is able to wake up memories of erotic association and other sexual experiences

Women are able to respond to the psycho-emotional impact of any pathogens a little weaker than the men.

Many times the women themselves, the expectation of sexual contact will not cause the sexual arousal, but the majority of men, when the expectation for the next sexual contact will be expressed with sexual arousal.

What is important to remember that, by nature, men and women, sexuality is substantially different.

Among other things, that sexual arousal can be due not only to the influence of certain hormones and pathogens, but when the impact of pure annoying mechanics, this is a different type of stimulus and stimulating sexual caresses, and thus, even the special touch of the areas that are especially sensitive to the touch.

The famous american sex therapists Masters In. and Johnson On. in the implementation of sexual arousal and highlight some phase of excitation, namely the plateau phase, phase the orgasm and the phase of the so-called return of development.

The act of

In the first phase, the phase of sexual arousal that the man, after a short period of time, usually up to thirty seconds, from the beginning of the sexual stimulation occurs the gain of the tide of blood to the organs of the pelvis, and thus occurs the difficulty of blood outflow due to some compression of the veins. Which leads to an increase in penis size, increase occurs, typically, two to three times, the penis acquires hardness and quite the largest of the seven and eight inches long. As only the erection came, the body of the man immediately starts to search for the release of sexual tension, the right discharge.

If the friction nerve endings of the penis on the vaginal wall during sexual contact, the density of the contact will be sufficient, the erection will constantly increase, and the sexual excitement will increase. The man will become more and more frequent breathing and increase the heart rate, perhaps, included face.

To suspend the contact, then sexual arousal can abruptly, and at times quite slow weakening of the vienna-if you enlarge, the blood outflow to increase. That, in turn, will reduce the penis size, and the fall of it. If your contact to restore, and the erection is able to so quickly recover.

After all, it is not a secret for anyone that a woman needs much more time for preparation for the sexual contact, and act in your erogenous zones need much more time, which can quickly lead to a degree of sexual excitement, and for the possibility to stop singing in her vagina.

Of course, some women are more moody, they had very high activity secretory of the ovary, such women can get the download, even faster for some men.

However the average woman with an average temperament, it is much more difficult to start the sexual contact, that the man, when there is a sufficient amount of pre-lask the sexual organs, the women may not be ready for sexual intercourse, the wall of the vagina almost closed, tight enough to adhere to each other, lubrication is still not, elasticity has not yet developed. The sexual arousal of a woman can receive and amplify only when the preliminary, sometimes quite prolonged impact on their erogenous zones.

The phase of sexual arousal in women is very similar to the excitement phase in men. Thus intensifies the flow of blood to the pelvic organs. The labia minora become to grow in size, and, also, twice, three times, modifying its color, rose-pink, they can become almost red. The clitoris is also swollen, called the organ of female sexual feelings, he is able to increase in a year and a half, sometimes two times, like the penis, the clitoris is compressed. Thus, it becomes pasty sexually excited vagina, vessels, vagina full of blood, it gets hot, muscle-you spontaneously begin to shrink, the vagina more decrease, which in turn would promote more compact contact and friction with the male genital member during a sexual act.

In addition to the foregoing, under the strong excitement of sexual sexual organs, women will gain enough moisture, in the vagina, highlights the much needed lubrication, which is capable of facilitating the sliding of the penis in the vagina.

And here in the state of rest, the women the vaginal wall so tightly connected to each other, what remains is only a small crack. In a state of sexual arousal the vagina will be extended, and expand, the cervix will become revel up and back. The diameter of the vagina, thus increase in your vagina appears some free space, which can accommodate the seminal fluid.

When there is a accumulation of excitement, and this feeling reaches the necessary heights, and then remains in this state for a period of time, know that it is the plateau-phase. This is the phase in which the vagina adapts to the shapes and sizes of the penis. Partners perfectly feel the body from one another. The vagina of a woman, or better, your third part, is able to decrease by half, when compared with its size with the size in the previous phase, and adopts the appearance of a narrow tube. The muscle female vagina, with the sufficient condition for sexual arousal tightly cover the penis. Therefore, there is a powerful stimulation of the organs, or rather, their nerve endings in both partners.

The temptation

This is the phase when the breast increases, occurs the seal or the erection of the nipple, they may even stretch to an inch, and thus to increase the diameter an inch from the floor.

Sex therapists Masters In. and Johnson On. describe the orgasm in women as well. The orgasm is approaching, when outdoors the third part of the vagina begins to rhythmic contraction. Such rhythmic reduce the affect, and the muscles of the uterus. The vagina is able to decrease in intervals of eight-tenths of a second. Depending on the amount and intensity of drives rhythmic contractions of orgasm, or be charming, or cool. Normally, when the execution of three to five contractions of orgasm, is considered to be a weak, if you have six to eight cuts is an orgasm of the intensity average of nine to twelve cuts, very strong orgasm. But these calculations is also very subjective, as are women who have orgasm extraordinary power and intensity on only three to five cuts.

When the occurrence of orgasm has people that accelerates the number of respiratory movements, accelerates the pulse. Getting to a hundred and eighty beats per minute, it grows the blood pressure is able to increase in twenty, and sometimes more points. For example, male orgasms can increase the normal pressure of a hundred and twenty millimeters of mercury, up to two hundred. At the time of reaching orgasm can be felt flushing of the face and even the chest.

Especially the volatile intensity can be female orgasm. It can be similar to the male, with a brief nature leaking, but may be otherwise prolonged and deep, giving an indescribable happiness.

The female orgasm can be prolonged, which can last from twenty up to sixty seconds, and sometimes even more. The prolonged form of orgasm may have undulating character of the flight, it intensifies, weakens, and it remains unknown the number of tens of seconds, sometimes it can be even an hour or hour and a half.

If it gathers a certain amount of women are able to experience multiple, often repetitive, orgasms, that may follow each other, with an interval of only one, two minutes. Such women are able to feel, and three, and four orgasm during a sexual intercourse.

There are cases in which the woman can feel satisfied only when she feels more, continuously following one after another orgasms, ten and even twenty times. The more these repetitive orgasms happen through the stimulation of the clitoris.

If a man is confident in the ability of their partners to experience multiple duplicate consecutive orgasms, he just have to contain themselves not to ejaculate, as this can lead to what his partner may be dissatisfied just an orgasm.

Therefore, for the women with extended chain type of orgasm or even with the needs of multiple orgasms partner, in cases where it is not restrained, as the option should assist the partner, in addition, stimulating your clitoris.

When the orgasm in the woman's body, the same happens something similar early. Some open the cervix of the uterus, and she vomited something similar to a tube of viscous mucus, female seed, or even the secret of the tubes of the glands. The female seed as if gently stroking multiple nerve endings, and it gives a spice to the sensations. After that, the tube of mucus rises back to the womb and the cervix is firmly connected. After ejaculation, as men and women disappear tense genital sensation, occurred the output of blood, it all ended.

Even if the woman looks like she feels, if there is something outside of your body, of the opinion that female ejaculation exists, it is subjective and not proven.

Leading sex therapists would argue over the next few years, however, these discussions have only a theoretical value. But in practice, the woman receives an orgasm is absolutely not think about. How these processes are called ejaculation, orgasm, or other. The main thing is that she is immensely fond.

For women is divided into five stages of copulative cycle stages:

  • Psychic phase, which covers the period of time from when the woman felt the desire to coition, and until the time as he is going to decide to carry out their wishes;
  • Touch phase (from lat., Sens, which means feeling, sensitivity). Is the restructuring of the perceptual quality, an increase of reactivity erogenous zones, and in the same way, the need for them to specifically stimulate;
  • The secretory stage, is characterized by the appearance of hydration and lubricating of the vaginal discharge;
  • Orgasmic phase, in this phase, the woman receives the most pleasure in sweets, or a sensation of orgasm;
  • Relictum phase, during this phase starts with the weakening of sexual excitement, and the output of blood from the genital organs.

In addition to other things during sexual contact distinguishable missio, or the introduction of the penis into the vagina, the phase of the translational movement or friction, and the phase of ejaculation, and of course, the orgasm.

Many women consider sexual contact as the culmination of an emotionally complex interpersonal relations with the partner, they are accustomed to consider sex not only as physical intimacy, but also how spiritually convergence with the beloved person.